New Patent Issued for Woods Fuller Client

Recently Woods Fuller assisted our client Sioux Steel Company in protecting its development of new clutch technology for storage bin sweep apparatus and Sioux Steel was granted U.S. Patent No. 11,267,664 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.P.T.O.) entitled “BIN SWEEP SYSTEM WITH DRIVE APPARATUS HAVING ENHANCED SLIPPAGE CAPABILITY.”  The new clutch technology for sweep apparatus utilizes fluid to permit slippage in the drive wheel system when the apparatus is unable to move as it moves grain in the storage bin.

If you have a development or invention that you would like to investigate protecting, please contact Jeff Proehl at Woods, Fuller, Shultz, and Smith, P.C. to discuss your options.

The information in this blog is accurate as of the date of publication.

Woods Fuller Client Issued Three New Patents


Q&A with Woods Fuller Attorney Justin Bergeson