Sioux Steel Company Obtains New Patents

Woods Fuller recently assisted client Sioux Steel Company in obtaining U.S. Patent No. 11,299,358 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.P.T.O.).  The new patent covers a “STORAGE BIN SWEEP SYSTEM WITH ENHANCED PERIPHERAL SWEEP CAPABILITY” which includes a device that is attached to the outer end of a grain storage bin sweep apparatus rotating in a round bin to move accumulations of grain at the outer perimeter of the bin floor inward into the path of the bin sweep apparatus.

Sioux Steel Company was also granted U.S. Patent No. 11,454,444 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.P.T.O.) with the assistance of Woods Fuller.  The new patent covers a “STORAGE BIN VENTILATION SYSTEM AND APPARATUS” which includes a fan duct design which enhances the economy of the duct by simplifying the manufacture of the duct and expanding the suitability of one size of duct to a broader range of storage bin capacities, making the duct design more economical than conventional designs. 

Sioux Steel Company requested the assistance of Woods Fuller to protect one of its new developments in grain storage bin sweep technology, and received from the USPTO U.S. Patent No. 11,618,639 entitled “storage bin sweep system with enhanced peripheral sweep capability” which addressed a more recent improvement in a device that Sioux Steel had previously patented.

If you have a development or invention that you would like to investigate protecting, please contact Jeff Proehl at Woods, Fuller, Shultz, and Smith, P.C. to discuss your options.

The information in this blog is accurate as of the date of publication.

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